🌲 NW-PaGe Policies and Guidelines



Person 1, person 2, etc


  • Frank Aragona
  • Pauline Trinh
  • Kathleen Conery
  • Marcela Torres
  • Lauren Frisbie
  • Cory Yun
  • Philip Crain
  • Paul Lloyd
  • Alli Black
  • Alex Cox
  • Emily Nebergall
  • Cameron Ashton
  • Peter J Gibson
  • Allison Warren
  • Laura Beilsmith
  • Xichi Zhang
  • Allison Thibodeau
  • Sarah Jinsiwale
  • Topias Lemetyinen

This is a static website documenting the proposed policies and standards for public Github use at the Pacific Northwest Genomic Center of Excellence. There are documents on

  1. Security and how to protect credential and private process leaks
  2. Licensing to protect against re-sale or theft of code
  3. Our Github rules, policies, and templates
  4. Github user guides

If there are any questions please reach out to Frank Aragona

Github Policies

Add crossreferences to the GH policies section and a brief intro here.

AWS Policies

Azure Policies

Personal or network credentials, tokens, server names and more are prohibited from being published to our public repos. Protect security and credentials with good coding practices. Using local environment files along with .gitignore can prevent credentials from being accidentally pushed into your repo. Other guardrails like pre-commit hooks can be used to further prevent accidental credential leaks. See more details on our security policies here

# local yaml file that will NOT be pushed to the repo
# add this file to the .gitignore to prevent leaks
  username: super_secret_user_name
  password: 12345terriblepassword
# this script is in the repo, but credentials are hidden

# read in the local credentials yaml file
creds <- yaml::read_yaml("path/to/local_credentials.yml")

# pull in the credentials
username <- creds$my_credentials$username
password <- creds$my_credentials$password

Each repo in the organization should have a license. Licenses can help prevent your work from being stolen and/or used inappropriately. Licensing details here

This organization requires each repo to have certain documents, such as a CODE_OF_CONDUCT. The organization uses a special repo called .github to ensure all repos adhere to the policies and have the right documents.

If you’re looking to build a repository, check out the Github user guide tabs for best practices on reproducibility, documentation in the repo, and more.